Dear Friends ,
Today I am going to show you some proof of how I waste my money on researching best ways to make money online so that you don't need to waste your time and money with these online spammers and frauds. Now I am going to introduce you with two biggest online frauds who are cheating innocent students online for making money online.
(1)Arvind(google adsense) & (2) Abid Shaikh (adsense treasure system):
This person(Arvind(google adsense))[now he has changed his name as web master, his orkut id url is] is using this id on orkut and cheating people with selling adsense accounts and adsense treasure system of another online money making fraud Abid shaikh , arvind also sells his 5700/- website with adsense account and promises you to earn money.
guys, first I bought adsense treasure system from arvind, earlier before I bought this system ,he said he is also earning money, but after I bought the system and came to know that the whole system is just a pdf file with some free traffic building tips which you can easily get from google search, after purchasing this system I got a mail from abid shaikh owner of this system demanding more money for hosting and domain for your web site, and that is also more than the normal cost, when I asked him why did not you tell me this before then he just replied casually and sent me an emotional mail saying sorry........etc... When I asked about this to arvind who earlier told me that he also used this system , now he said he did not know about the and might be abid has changed his policies, he also said that he never used this system but his clients have used this system, but before my buying this system , he had said he himself have earned with system but can't show the earning proof.
After getting cheated from him, one day he again came on google chat and said Hi to me, I was not happy on him, as I totally lost my money on adsense treasure system which I bought because he sold that to me.I again expressed my feelings to him regarding my feelings regarding his works with me, now he said "I already told buy my system " but friends trust me, this person is very dedicated cheat( you can very rarely meat him in day time, he mostly come online in late nights to cheat people who seriously search online late nights for real ways to make money online).
Now he did not even said sorry for advising me wrong product rather started talking about selling his own product. This time I wanted to be on safer side so I told him , I will not pay you the full amount(5700 /-) rather we agreed on 4000/- (85.68 $) by paypal money transfer, but he was not agreed and said paypal will deduct some fee so he told me to transfer 87 $, I agreed and send him 87 $ via paypal, and finally we agreed on => I will pay him 87 $ first and he will make my site and show me whether I really earn money from his system or not, if I am satisfied then only pay him the balance of 1700 /- .
To my horror , just after receiving money , he sent me a mail saying he can't process my order until I make him the full payment. I was totally shocked , gain I lost my 87 $ with him, today he sent me a mail, that I will have to cancel my order, and he will not return my money also.Friends I beg you please don't waste time with these kind of people, you can yourself take google adsense account, just don't apply for adsense with blog rather buy a domain name, write some original content for 6 months and then apply for adsense,and regarding getting traffic you can take Free Help from me by clicking here=> Free Traffic Generation made Easy By Er. Rakesh Yadav
Below I have mentioned all the proofs that proves Arving(google adsense) is cheating :
Arvind uses two email ids to cheat people.
& (1) Arvind's request to me for payment of $ 87.
(2) I paid arvind $ 87.(copy of paypal receipt mail)
(3)Arvind's mail saying thanks for the payment and asking for the full payment, (He is breaking the deal and promisses):
(4) My mail to him reminding him regarding what we had agreed on:
(5) Arvind's mail accepting that he lead me in a trap:
(6)Copy of chatting between me and arvind which tells each and everything regarding our talks and deals:
Chat with google adsense


google adsense to me
| show details Dec 10 (5 days ago)
| |
10:30 PM me: kya haal chal google adsense bhai
10:31 PM Arvind: hello
howz ur earnings
10:32 PM me: yaar apna batao, abid to useless nikla
Arvind: i told u earlier to buy advanced website
but u did'nt listened to me
10:33 PM however it was costlier but was reliable
me: you cud have only told me about urs not abid's
Arvind: source of income
i told u
dont tell lie
10:34 PM but u chosen abids system
well did the system worked anyhow or not
10:35 PM me: no , what i m saying is , u should not have introduced me to abid
Arvind: many others have also bought but they never complained
10:36 PM well ust tell e ur monthly earnings
10:38 PM r u there
me: yes
very low earning
10:39 PM Arvind: hw much
why dont u try my system
i'll assure u 30 to 40 $ per day
with my advanced website
10:40 PM me: which kind of assurance
Arvind: or else double money back
regarding earnings from my system
10:41 PM me: how will i request money back, do i need to chat u and tell u not satisfied and plz return my money
10:42 PM Arvind: by any mode u ask
i'll redfund ur money without any question asked
10:43 PM me: no u tell me what made u follow, like clickbanks no question asked money back gurantee
10:44 PM Arvind: ya i gaurantee refund on my advanced websites
to one of the person
and i was surprised by the results
10:45 PM he made over 16500$ within months
10:46 PM me: don't use abid's words,
16500 $ impossible
Arvind: i can show u the proofs
10:47 PM me: show it
Arvind: give ur gmail id
i want name also, no hide
Arvind: check ur email
10:50 PM me: how to see, whether this earning was made with the site u provided
10:51 PM place ur mouse pointer on any of ads by google
then right click
hit copy link location option
pastes that link in word pad
10:52 PM and check pub id
u'll get
eaverything clear
thats more than a proof
me: good answer let me check champ
Arvind: ya check
10:54 PM me: ok thats right
10:55 PM Arvind: any more doubts
me: but ye batao kaise refund loonga, apni policy clear karo
10:56 PM Arvind: in case u wont earn like that i'll return 90% of the website amt
as 10% will be the hosting charge
that cannot be refunded
10:57 PM me: just now u said double money refund
Arvind: who will double refund u
10:58 PM srry i said wrong
but i will do refund 90% of the amt thats my proise
10:59 PM me: stick on one point dear
Arvind: 90z% is correct
11:00 PM i m working on my next website u can buy that
me: ye batao mujge kis type ki site doge aur kitna time lagega, what about domain reg refund and adsense account, mujhe abid ke diye accnt pe bharosa nahin hai
Arvind: i'll take max 10 days
11:01 PM and min5 days to build ur website
me: means
11:02 PM Arvind: i'll take maximum ten days to design ur website
me: and 5 days for what
11:03 PM Arvind: thats the minimum period within which i'll try to deliver u the website
me: ok
what abt domain reg refund
11:04 PM Arvind: the 10% amt is fr doain only
11:05 PM me: u said its for hosting
Arvind: when i m talking abt hosting it means entire hosting package which includes
doain name also
11:06 PM me: ok
11:07 PM abd what is the process for asking refund, like days limitation etc
any terma and condition
11:08 PM Arvind: u can ask refund within 3 mnths
11:10 PM me: and how to ask any link from any control panel
Arvind: i did'nt got u
11:11 PM me: means how i will ask for the refund , do u have any link on your web site to clcik like, "Ask for refund"
11:12 PM Arvind: no ust sennd me a email with subect as refund
me: ok
11:13 PM and how much time u take ti refund, do u ask so many questions
Arvind: i will ask for snapshot of ur adsense account
11:14 PM and if its not getting any clicks then i wil refund ur money without any questions asked
here i mean reasonable income and not 2 3 $ per day
me: any clicks means if there is 100 click menas no money refund ?
11:15 PM Arvind: if day income is below 10$ then i wil refund ur money
me: good brother thats showd ur confidence
11:16 PM ok
which kind of site u will give me
Arvind: probably greetings website
as thats most in demand
11:17 PM me: ok
what abt adsense account, i don't trust abid's accont
Arvind: till then u cn use ur original account
11:18 PM or u can use same abid account
as that is also genuine
me: which original acount
Arvind: forget just carry on using abids account
11:19 PM it is genuine
me: if my account gets banned then as i hate abid
Arvind: why will it get banned
11:20 PM me: bcz it was given by abid and he did come true on his promisses
u give me another adsense account
11:21 PM Arvind: hey man u can keep on using same acc no prob
me: if i get banned will u give me free adsense accnt
11:22 PM Arvind: u'll never get banned unless u click on ur ads
11:24 PM me: and what abt abid's work do u take his gurantee, as i took adsense account from someone before abid but it got banned and i got an emaiul saing templer country, i doubt abid has also done something like that to take adsense approival
11:25 PM Arvind: i trust abid
till now none of his account got banned
11:26 PM and if however somehow ur acc got banned i'll provide u the new one free ofccost
me: good
remember i will save this chat as proof
11:27 PM Arvind: r u still doubtig on me
me: no dear relax
what is the cost
Arvind: i told u earlier
11:28 PM 5700
me: ok
11:29 PM see arvind i will buy this right now
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google adsense to me
| show details Dec 10 (5 days ago)
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11:31 PM Arvind: killing my business
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google adsense to me
| show details Dec 11 (5 days ago)
11:30 PM me: you have to teach me how you get genuine adsense acount &
Arvind: thats not included in the system dear
me: its not abt system
Arvind: u r asking my business secret howcan i let u know
me: its abt trust
11:31 PM and good relation online
Arvind: no dear i dont want competitors
killing my business
11:34 PM me: r u there
Arvind: ya tell
11:35 PM me: read my prev message
Arvind: srry dear
many guys r ready to pay me huge some for that
but i never leaked my procedure
11:36 PM me: ok then , as I am trusting you, i will buy ur product right away
11:37 PM Arvind: 3000 extra for knowing that trick
thats the speacial offer for u
11:38 PM me: i will pay only 3000/- , you create my site, keep the password with yoy, if i m earning , then iwill pay you full amt and then u give me my password
r u ok
Arvind: this is not right
11:39 PM i need to pay programmer fees also
me: its better for both the side , less risk for u and me
Arvind: my pfofit is least
it is the programmer who takes the maor share
11:41 PM me: your programmer can wait if you have that much confidence that i will make daily 20 to 30 $ then i will surky pay rest of amt, and you pay ur programmer their salary
Arvind: srry dear it against the policy
11:42 PM me: or u can simply give this 3000 to ur programmer and after succeess u take ur share from me
Arvind: thats not even a programmers fees
11:43 PM me: ok dear
thats a deal, u think and let me know if u r ready, i don't want to repeat my mistakes
11:44 PM Arvind: i cleared ur all the doubts even then ur lacking trust
11:45 PM if i was designing ur website then surely i would have slashed down the prices
also i m gauranteeing u 90%
11:46 PM then there stands no space for more questions
me: in our previus chats u said u r a programmer
11:47 PM Arvind: i'm ust a middle person
11:48 PM me: u think on it dear , i m not doubting on you, just want to save mysekf from money loss again
Arvind: where is any risk involved when i m gauranteeing u 90% money back
11:50 PM me: i will trust on this when i will buy ur package for my students but not now
Arvind: atleast pay the programmer fees
forget abt my profit margin
11:51 PM and even hosting charges
me: how much
Arvind: 4500
me: make it 4000
Arvind: how man
11:52 PM its not possible for me
me: come on lets finalize it
Arvind: why r u negotiating
i told u my restrictions
11:53 PM me: u can tell ur programmer a special case like longotiya yaar , kumbh ke mele me bichde bhai ko account dena hai
Arvind: i m serious dear
me: so m i
11:54 PM Arvind: ok u want me to add 500 from my side
11:55 PM me: its your wish ?
Arvind: ha thats greater than my profit margin
how ca i?
11:56 PM me: just leave margin now, u r earning from adsense, selling account etc , can't u leave earning from one of ur customer
Arvind: i left my margin plus hosting charges
me: i will pay u full or more 300 /- if i m earning from ur site but not now
Arvind: wat more u want dear
11:57 PM and wat if u run with left some
i'll be nowhere
11:58 PM me: if i can trust u , u can also trust me
Arvind: u r nt trusting me
me: how can i leave u after paying 4000, u have my password right ?
Arvind: if u had then paid me the full sum
11:59 PM wat password
me: adsense password
Arvind: when the website will be with u wat password will i have
me: take my adsense password and change it as u like
12:00 AM Arvind: no dear wat will i do with acc registered on ur payee name
12:01 AM me: but i will certainly come to you for my password if i m earning good
Arvind: which pasword ??
12:02 AM me: adsense password which i gave u and u changed it
Arvind: wat will i do with acc registered on ur payee name
u r talking foolish now
me: but i will certainly come to you for my password if i m earning good
but i will certainly come to you for my password if i m earning good
12:03 AM Arvind: srry dear i cant help more i m bounded by restrictions well nice talikng u
12:04 AM me: ok think on it, tc bye dear nothing against you, you may be right but i really don't want to regret on my work bye
Arvind: bye
12:05 AM :)
12:06 AM well i never thought u'll fight for a mere sum of 500
12:17 AM Arvind: r u there
me: yes bhai
Arvind: wat r u waiting for
12:18 AM me: nothing we had a deal
Arvind: which deal
i think we yet not striked a proper deal
me: don't tell me to repeat , read prev chats
12:19 AM Arvind: lets finalize the sum to 4300
me: no sorry
Arvind: remaing 200 i'll pay from my side
which u r going to pay me later
12:20 AM me: sorry bro 4000 means 4000
Arvind: ok 4200
plz not less than that
me: no man
12:21 AM Arvind: ok then not more can be done
12:22 AM when i am ready to bear loss of 300 extra then u should also make some adustments
it will be good for both of us
12:23 AM me: already i increased 1000 from 3000 to 4000
no more adjustments arvind sorry
Arvind: 4200 is final from my side
i also have to talk to other clients also
12:24 AM u cannot make me buzy for hrs
me: i alreadsy told u bye, u came back bro
bye tc
Arvind: i seenn u online thats why
12:25 AM but wats the gaurantee that u'll pay the remaining sum
if i agree on 4000
12:27 AM me: i am investing 4000, thats a big amnt for me, if I earn as you are saying then I will surly like to earn more and ask u for my password of adsense account, yaar mai abid se lutne ke baad itna time waste kar rahan hun to kuchh to mai serious hu tabhi to
12:28 AM Arvind: ya i understand ur sentiments
12:29 AM but if try to follow any unfair means then the consequences will be worsed
12:30 AM me: i did not try any unfair means
12:31 AM Arvind: i mean if u earn good and not pay the system
then i cannot do anything
but i'll stop giving any support 2 u
for lifetime
12:32 AM me: come on I am telling u why i will waste my 4000 rs if i am earning then surly i will ask u for my password
Arvind: ya i understand that
12:33 AM so then 4000 is final but do mind my words
12:34 AM me: i dont have to worry, if your system shos me earning then in future i will buy many packages from as i take internet part time job classes here in bhilai
12:35 AM Arvind: ok its good
many packages means
12:36 AM me: same system i will buy for my students
Arvind: ya thats so
12:37 AM me: ok so r u ready for following:
12:38 AM Arvind: so as soon i recieve ur payment i'll initiate the developent process and let you know the further instructions
me: (1) i will buy ur system for 4000 now and will pay 1700 later if see earning .
Arvind: but within 3 onths
12:39 AM me: ok
Arvind: do u agree with that
12:40 AM me: and i will give u my adsense password , u change it and keep it with you, once i give u 1700, then only u give me my password
Arvind: no i trust u
i will not do that
12:41 AM me: ok good
so tell me how i will pay u, i can pay u 4000 now
Arvind: wat method u prefer
12:42 AM me: paypal
12:43 AM Arvind: ok thats also hassle free
will u like bank transfer
12:44 AM me: yes
Arvind: do u use online banking
me: yes but i will pay u via credit card associated with paypal id
12:45 AM Arvind: is that possible
me: yes , i can pay you to ur paypal email id
12:46 AM Arvind: and not to bank account
me: actually it takes time and also in my bank account i have less balance now
12:47 AM Arvind: ok then paypal will do
me: i will just come in 2 min
12:48 AM ok
me: ok
12:55 AM how many dollars
Arvind: 90$
12:58 AM me: no its exactly 85.77 $
r u k with this
Arvind: wats the current $ value
Arvind: its 90$ dear
1:00 AM me: no its 85.77 $ check out once more
Arvind: waait
1:02 AM ya its 85.77 but u send 87 $ as it will include paypal fee also
me: ok
1:03 AM send me a mail again with new anmt
1:04 AM Arvind: check now
me: ya