Hi,I am priya finished BE EEE ..i like to do distance MBA ...after doing MBA can i get any job.....
i m also preparing for bank PO and clerk exams for past 1 & half yrs...but not able to get through no one is supporting me...i have a thought that only intelligent & candidates good in quantitative aptitude can get through in competitive exams it true...i m helpless as my parents is not caring about me.
By Priya From Loyola College Chennai.
Hi Priya , It's nice to know that you are so much curious about your career, at the same time I am very serious & concerned about the success of the youngsters like you, who are not getting support from their parents because I have also faced the same kind of situation & I know how painful situation it is to concentrate on career while facing pressure of parents.
Well no worries , this is the reason I have started this blog to help youngsters like you so that none of the students or career seeker will have to face very basic problems like what you are facing now and I have faced before.So I am answering your question with some points, please read below:
(1) In the first line of your question only I have got the major problem behind your unhappiness, See Priya, If we have two paths of success then we must choose the easiest one , get some confidence then tough path will automatically become easier for you, but if you start with tough path the you will feel defeated and tired always and you might not get easiest goals also, So this is my suggestion please choose the easiest path , if you have got family, financial, understanding problems with your parents, Please don't think beyond of your capacities.I am also a BE (CSE) So I can suggest you a path of success if you follow that the I will be very happy else no issues.
So the path I have decided for you is:
(a)First concentrate on Bank PO and clerk exam only , no MBA prep please OK.
(b)If you have got some caste or women reservation then please use it, Our useless government is somewhere very usefull.
(c)See, there is a certain age limit for Bank PO & clerk exams but there is no age limit for MBA, so its better you fully concentrate on Bank PO & clerk exams & use all facilities, reservation etc..
(d)Trust me as I am an associate member of Bhilai's very popular Bank PO & Clerk exams coaching institute i.e. Paul Sir's Rama Coaching , I have seen very poor people getting join Government sector, so just don't loose hope & give your best & try until you are under age limit.
(e)Dear Priya, I am suggesting all these to you like your brother, yes that's true I have got huge affection with students who are facing problems like you are facing now.So just trust me & do whatever I am telling you.
(f)Now The most important tip & suggestion by Er. Rakesh Yadav:
Priya, Do you believe in God ?
If not then that's your problem , but if yes then follow this Tips for success by taking help or making the most powerfull almighty God your coach:
(i)If you are christian then please go to church on every Sunday and don't have salt on that day in your meal, You will certainly get good result with the power of Jesus Christ & Powerful Lord "Sun", yes Sun is not just a planet its the most powerful God who can be seen with open eyes.
(ii)If you are Muslim then please go to "Maszid" on every Friday for namaz, you will surly get power of sweet and caring "Allah" and also the brightness of Lord "Shukra Graha" in your life.
Make sure you use Perfume or Itra before going to Maszid.
(iii)If you are a Hindu then please go to Temple and pray very kind Lord Hanumanji, you will surly get support from Lord "Mangal Graha".
Make sure you celebrate every Tuesday with distributing sweets of red color and making kids happy, never harm or shout on kids this day.
Priya you must be thinking which kind of person Rakesh is? Yeah that's right I give clear and best answer for any query, I bet you if you follow my guidelines you will never need to go to any so called BABA, MULLAH or PADARI. All these Big People are earning big fame and name just by telling a different name of a single Power whom we have never seen but they never tell to worship the real power whom we daily see , Yes The great "planets" . We all see Sun daily , Sun is the king of all planets, Christians worship God on Sunday & every one knows that Christians are ruling the world now.
All our Muslim friends worship Allah on Friday,"Shukra Graha" planet for Friday, is known for its brightness, means even if you have so many kids, a big family, only one person in job then also you will never die because of food or hunger, we all know now the most rich people are Muslims from Saudi & other gulf countries.
Now about Hindus, Hindu worship "GURU GRAHA" a planet who is know for its bigness and rules human brain, now whole world knows that all the religions have only one peaceful & knowledge place in whole world that is India, Hindu brains are every where. Despite being third class politicians with a big ZERO respect from my side our politicians are never defeated on political battles , Pakistan tried so many things to make us defamed but our useless Netas unknowingly respond very polity and now every one can see Pakistan is being finished by its own people..
Well that's enough , now let me help you as far as preparing Bank PO exams are concerned:
(1)Only one answer just join a well known coaching institute in your area, please don't tell me you have money issues, I have seen people wasting money on so many small-small places rather just concentrating on one powerful place only, first get a job earn some money and then waste or invest your time on giving pain to your brain for what to do next but first try be self dependent.
Priya, If you still need data like which coaching to join in your are just tell me the names & I will suggest you the best rest assured.
Dear see , this is the way I answer for anyone's first question so that the person doesn't need to waste time for useless "Ifs & Buts".
If you still want to give your brother pain , I most welcome you, please give me headache (just J_king) here=>Be Overconfident, its the beginning of being confident:
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MBA or Bank PO & Clerk Exams ?
Posted by Er. Rakesh Yadav - India Needs Kranti Again
Labels: Degrees - MBA