How To Take Care of a New Born Baby

Its pretty hard to take care of a new born baby if its your first baby because you don't exactly know how to take care and what to be done.What people usually do is they follow their seniors like mother or mother-in-law and try to take care of  babies.Well I am a male I can never be able to suggest what to do and what not to do if it concerns to taking care of ones baby but one thing I will say that please at least for next 6 months a mother must give her milk to the baby, which is full of vitamins and other baby required things and at te same time doctors are saying that is good for mothers also.I am going to mention some points here which I have collected from my brothers help who is an Ayurvedic doctor regarding taking care of a baby:

(1) If you want your baby must never face any skin problem in his or her life  then use mustered oil for is
     whole body including his ears and nose but it must be only in day time else ot would harm his eye sight.

(2) Always change the diaper.

(3) Baby sleeping palce must be cleaned.If you are looking for more info on nice baby rooms then you may visit here=> Baby Room

If you are looking for any other info regarding taking care of a newly born baby then feel free to ask me at